A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: hinsīþ

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

Christ and Satan 454b uwan, / hātne helle grund, || hin-sīþ gryre%. / Þæt, lā, wæs fǣ
The Fortunes of Men 13b lf etan, / hār hǣþ-stapa; || hin-sīþ þonne / mōdor be·murneþ. ||
Guthlac B 1357a | Huru, iċ swīðe ne ðearf / hin-sīþ be·hliehhan. || Is hālford
The Descent into Hell 7a t wæs ā·cōlod, / heard wæs hin-sīþ; || hæleþ wǣron mōdġe, / þ