Number of occurrences in corpus: 12
AETHILVVALD.Aldhelm.Octo 1 | # Aldhelm.Octo / / | Aethereus | qui omnia || Mundi Herus mo |
ALCVIN.Carm 88.12 1 | tuo. / / # Carmina 88.12 / Michael | aethereus | princeps, primusque magister / |
ALCVIN.Carm 89.17 1 | nt. / / # Carmina 89.17 / Claviger | aethereus | servat qui regmina caeli, / Sol |
ALCVIN.Carm 103.2 1 | as. / / # Carmina 103.2 / Claviger | aethereus, | portas qui servat Olympi, / Pet |
ALDHELM.Aenig 37 4 | rada transeo uersis, / et tamen | aethereus | per me decoratur Olimpus, / dum |
ALDHELM.CarmEcc 4.1 3 | torum sorte coronat, / Clauiger | aethereus, | qui portam pandit in aethra, / |
BONIFACE.Aenig 5 15 | rat saecla redemptor. / Arbiter | aethereus | condit me calce carentem, / In |
FRITHEGOD.PeterPaul.Vers 57 | ancto sumamus amore. / Clauiger | aethereus | Simon cognomine Petrus, / Pauli |
TATWINE.Aenig 15 1 | quam dulcia mella. / / # TAT 15 / | Aethereus | ternas genitor nos iam peperi |
WULFRIC.Abbo.Epist 1 | ed to Abbo of Fleury / / Arbiter | aethereus | salvet vos tepore cuncto. |
££.ARATOR.Act.apost01 899 | tae porrige linguae. / Clauiger | aethereus | caelum conspexit apertum / Vsus |
££.DRACONT.Laud.Dei.3 227 | ueri dogmatis index, / Ianitor | aethereus | uel primus in orbe sacerdos / T |