A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ongeton

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

Exodus 90b las / lyftwundor leoht || leode ongeton / dugoþ israhela || þæt þæ
Exodus 453b de / flugon forhtigende || fær ongeton / woldon herebleaþe || hamas f
Exodus 552b bad / witodes willan || wundor ongeton / modiges muþhæl || he to mæ
Christ and Satan 526a lileam || hæfdon gastes bled / ongeton haligne || godes sunu / swa heo
Andreas 534a du swæþorodon / seoþþan hie ongeton || þæt þe god hæfde / wære