Number of occurrences in corpus: 7
Genesis B 807a | cymþ || westan oþþe eastan / | suþan | oþþe norþan || gesweorc up |
Genesis A 1988b | efaren hæfdon / sid tosomne || | suþan | and norþan / helmum þeahte || |
Exodus 69a | | on norþwegas / wiston him be | suþan | || sigelwara land / forbærned |
Daniel 52b | oþþringan / gesamnode þa || | suþan | and norþan / wælhreow werod | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 22a | t || þu þæm treowum selest / | suþan | and westan || þa ær se swea |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 8b | eoht / þonne smolte blæwþ || | suþan | and westan / wind under wolcnum |
Solomon and Saturn 67b | iehta gehwylce || norþan and | suþan | / on twa healfa || tu hund wear |