Number of occurrences in corpus: 5
Daniel 114b | ġe·hwæs || rēðe sċolde | ġe·limpan, | / eorðan drēamas, || ende weo |
Christ A 79b | uĝnon / on ǣr-daĝum || ǣfre | ġe·limpan, | / þæt þū on sundor-ġiefe | |
The Judgment Day I 1a | # The Judgment Day I / / þæt | ġe·limpan | sċeall, || þætte laĝu fl |
The Judgment Day I 116a | d under heofonum, / ac hit þus | ġe·limpan | sċeall || lēoda ġe·hwelcu |
The Husband's Message 30b | e mæġ him weorolde || willa | ġe·limpan% | / māra on ġe·myndum, || þæ |