Number of occurrences in corpus: 8
Genesis B 323b | wiþ hira wealdend. || Wīte | þoliaþ, | / hātne heaðo-wielm || helle |
Genesis B 389a | e mīnra handa ġe·weald. / Ac | þoliaþ | we nū þrēa on helle, || þ |
Genesis B 737a | wit hearmas nū, / þrēa-weorc | þoliaþ, | || and þīestre land, / and þ |
Genesis B 755b | a hwæt swa wit hēr morðres | þoliaþ, | / hit is nū Ādame || eall for |
Daniel 307a | we nū hǣðenra / þēow-nīed | þoliaþ. | || Þæs þe þanc sīe, / weor |
Guthlac A 222b | / ac hīe hlēolēase || hāma | þoliaþ, | / on ċearum cwīðaþ, || cwea |
The Paris Psalter 58:6 2b | þonne hīe heardne || hungor | þoliaþ, | / swā hundas ymb·gāþ || hwa |
The Paris Psalter 58:14 2b | þ / and heardne ēac || hungor | þoliaþ, | / swā hundas ymb·gāþ || hwa |