A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: bringe

Number of occurrences in corpus: 6

The Order of the World 7a e·hwǣm || þurh dōm godes / bringe wundra fela || wera cnēoriss
Guthlac A 48b ūs fǣġeran || ġe·fēan bringe / ofer þā nīðas || þe we n
Riddles 8 5b / eald ǣfen-sċōp, || eorlum bringe / blisse on burgum, || þonne i
Beowulf 1829b / iċ þe þūsenda || þeġna bringe, / hæleþa tō helpe. || Iċ on
The Paris Psalter 131:18 1b r iċ Dauides horn || dīerne bringe, / forþ ġe·lǣde, || fæġere
The Paris Psalter 147:5 2b þū wulle flīes || wolcnum bringe, / and þone% tō·weorpeþ || w