A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: fæc

Number of occurrences in corpus: 6

Daniel 681b / ealdor-dōmes || ymb% lȳtel fæc, / lēt Babilone || blǣd swīð
Elene 272a siþþan ġe·lamp / ymb lȳtel fæc || þæt þæt lēod-mæġen,
Elene 383a ēo tō salore eft / ymb lȳtel fæc || laðode wǣron, / ċeastre w
The Panther 38b þēod-wiĝa% || þrīe-nihta fæc / swīfeþ on sweofote, || slǣ
Guthlac A 214b ġe·līefed || þurh lȳtel fæc. / Stōd sēo dīegle stōw || d
Beowulf 2240a æs īlcan, / þæt hē lȳtel fæc || lang-ġe·streona / brūcan