A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: forma

formus noun neut nom/voc/acc pl us_a_um

formus noun fem abl sg us_a_um

formus noun fem nom/voc sg us_a_um

formo verb pres imperat act 2nd sg conj1 are_vb

formus noun neut nom/voc/acc pl us_a_um

formus noun fem abl sg us_a_um

formus noun fem nom/voc sg us_a_um

formo verb pres imperat act 2nd sg conj1 are_vb

Number of occurrences in corpus: 8

Exodus 22b onda% folc-riht. || Þā wæs forma sīþ / þæt hine weoroda God
Christ B 720a æðelan stiell.’ / Wæs sē forma hlīep || þā hē on fǣmnan
Beowulf 716b ttum fāhne. || Ne wæs þæt forma sīþ / þæt hē Hrōð·gāre
Beowulf 1463b lc-stede fāra; || næs þæt forma sīþ / þæt hit ellen-weorc |
Beowulf 1527b es fyrd-hræġl; || þā wæs forma sīþ / dēorum māðme, || þ
Beowulf 2625b d on forþ-weġ. || Þā wæs forma sīþ / ġungan cempan, || þæ
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 8 55a an līeġe. / Ēalā, hwæt sē forma || feoh-ġītsere / wǣre on we
The Menologium 9a lcan dæġe || ūs tō tūne, / forma mōnaþ; || hine folc miċel /