Number of occurrences in corpus: 7
Exodus 158b | līexan, / (gāras trymedon, || | gūþ | hwearfode, / blicon bord-hrēo |
Andreas 951b | n / on gramra grīpe. || Is þe | gūþ | witod, / heardum heoru-swengum |
The Fortunes of Men 16b | l gār ā·ġīetan, || sumne | gūþ | ā·brēotan. / Sum sċeall lē |
Maxims I 83b | ǣrest / ġeofum god wesan. || | Gūþ | sċeall on eorle, / wīġ ġe· |
Beowulf 1123b | īfrost, || þāra þe ðǣr | gūþ | for·nam / bēġa folces; || w |
Beowulf 2483b | e wearþ, / Ġēata drihtne, || | gūþ | on·sǣġe. / Þā iċ on morĝ |
Beowulf 2536b | / gold ġe·ġangan, || oþþe | gūþ | nimeþ, / feorh-bealu frecne, | |