Number of occurrences in corpus: 23
Genesis B 263a | wesan, / ā·hōf hine wiþ his | hearran%, | || sōhte hete-sprǣċe, / ġie |
Genesis B 279a | . || “Nis mē wihta ðearf / | hearran | tō hæbbenne. || Iċ mæġ m |
Genesis B 282a | ġyrwenne || godlicran stōl, / | hearran | on heofone. || Hwȳ sċeall i |
Genesis B 285b | mōde. || Hie habbaþ mē tō | hearran | ġe·corene, / rōfe rincas; || |
Genesis B 294a | de miċel / ā·hebban wiþ his | hearran | || and spræc hēalīċ word / |
Genesis B 301a | le. / Hēte hæfde hē æt his | hearran | ġe·wunnen, || hyldu hæfde |
Genesis B 339b | tost% on heofone% || and his | hearran | lēof, / drihtne dīere, || oþ |
Genesis B 506b | ance ġe·þeġnod || þīnum | hearran%, | / hæfst þē wiþ drihten dier |
Genesis B 567a | siþþan, || and selfes stōl / | hearran | þīnes, || and habban his hy |
Genesis B 579a | betste, / for·hele iċ incrum | hearran | || þæt mē hearmes swa fela |
Genesis B 586b | ġnode / þurh holdne hyġe, || | hearran | mīnum, / drihtne selfum; || ne |
Genesis B 625a | lon lufe wyrċan, / bētan hira | hearran | hearm-cwide || and% habban hi |
Genesis B 654b | hyġe. || Þā hēo tō hire | hearran | spræc: / ‘Ādam, frēa min, |
Genesis B 658b | hē is ǣrend-secg || uncres | hearran, | / heofon-cininges. || His hyldu |
Genesis B 664a | āðliċ strīþ / wiþ þīnes | hearran | bodan? || Unc is his hyldu ð |
Genesis B 726a | od, || sæġde bēġra þanc / | hearran | sīnum: || ‘Nū hæbbe iċ |
Genesis B 757a | dame || eall for·golden / mid | hearran | hete || and mid hæleþa for |
Genesis B 768a | | Godes him on·drēdon, / hira | hearran | hete, || heofon-cininges nī |
Genesis B 796a | betst, / þæt wit þurh uncres | hearran | þanc || habban mōston, / ðǣ |
Genesis B 819a | for·lǣred hæfst / on mīnes | hearran | hete. || Swā mē nū hrēowa |
Daniel 392b | eppend, / herġaþ in hāde, || | hearran | sīnne%! / And þeċ hāliġra |
Judith 56a | ierċed-ferhþe, / hæleþ hira | hearran | cȳðan || þæt wæs sēo h |
The Death of Edward 32b | le tīd / hīerde holdlīċe || | hearran | sīnum / wordum and dǣdum, || |