Number of occurrences in corpus: 11
Andreas 1018b | / hāliġ and heofon-torht. || | Hreðer | innan wæs / wynnum ā·wielled |
Elene 706b | / hāliġ heofonliċ gāst, || | hreðer | weardode, / æðelne innoþ, || |
Christ B 539b | ow-lufu / hāt æt heortan, || | hreðer% | innan wēoll, / beorn% brēost- |
The Riming Poem 43a | , || tela ġe·hange. / Nū min | hreðer | is hrēoh, || hēof-sīðum% |
Guthlac B 938b | nded, / hāliġ of hīehþu. || | Hreðer | innan born, / ā·fȳsed on for |
Guthlac B 979b | arl, / hāt and heoru-grimm. || | Hreðer | innan wēoll, / born bān-loca. |
Guthlac B 1052b | æġ, / hefiġe æt heortan. || | Hreðer | innan swearc, / hyġe hrēow-ċ |
Guthlac B 1129b | ft% / ǣnġes hæleþa hēr || | hreðer | weardode, / dryhta bearna, || w |
The Seafarer 63b | a, / hweteþ on hwæl-weġ% || | hreðer | unwearnum / ofer holma ġe·la |
Beowulf 2113b | cwīðan, / hilde-strenġe; || | hreðer | inne wēoll, / þonne hē wintr |
Beowulf 2593b | on. / Hierte hine hord-weard || | hreðer | ǣðme wēoll / nīewan stefne; |