A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: næfþ

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

Genesis B 360b on, / rōmian ūres rīċes. || Næfþ hē þēah riht ġe·dōn / þ
The Paris Psalter 71:12 3b e wǣdlan, || þe on weorolde næfþ / āhwǣr elles || ǣniġne ful
The Judgment Day II 109a ōna on morĝen, / ne sē mōna næfþ || nānre% meahte wiht, / þæt
The Seasons for Fasting 172a sċotian / ġif hē mierċels% næfþ || mānes æt ēaĝum, / ac hē