Number of occurrences in corpus: 9
Exodus 226b | ōde-rōfra%; || mæġen wæs | on·hrēred. | / Wæs on ānra ġe·hwǣm || |
Exodus 483b | and ġe·fēoll, || lyft wæs | on·hrēred, | / wicon weall-fæsten, || wǣġ |
Andreas 393b | ofon% ġēotende. || Grund is | on·hrēred, | / dēope ġe·drēfed, || duĝu |
Andreas 1302b | ’ / Þā wæs or-leġe || eft | on·hrēred, | / nīewan stefne. || Nīþ up |
Andreas 1394b | / þā wæs nīewunga || nīþ | on·hrēred, | / heard and hete-grīm. || Wæs |
Christ B 825b | and riht-wīs. || Rodor biþ | on·hrēred, | / and þās miċelan ġe·metu |
Guthlac A 37b | weġes willian. || Weorold is | on·hrēred, | / cōlaþ Crīstes lufu, || sin |
Beowulf 549b | ða. / Wæs mere-fisca || mōd | on·hrēred; | / ðǣr mē wiþ lāðum || lī |
Beowulf 2554a | under hārne stān. / Hete wæs | on·hrēred, | || hord-weard on·cnēow / mann |