A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: rēade

Number of occurrences in corpus: 10

Genesis A 44a | and fǣr-ċiele, / rēċe and rēade līeġe. || Hēt þā ġond
Exodus 296a sē āĝend || up ā·rǣrde / rēade strēamas || in rand-ġe·beo
Christ C 1101a les ġe·manian%, / þonne sēo rēade || rōd ofer ealle / sweġle s
Christ C 1175b m / be·runnen under rindum, || rēade and þicce; / sæp wearþ tō s
Riddles 11 2a hasu-fāh, || hyrste beorhte, / rēade and sċīre || on rēafe mīn
Riddles 71 1b 71 / / Iċ eom rīċes ǣht, || rēade be·wǣfed, / stīþ and stēap
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 6a || on wuda sēċan / gold þæt rēade || on grēnum trēowum? / Iċ w
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 19 23a | æðele ġimmas, / hwīte and rēade || and hīewa ġe·hwæs. / Hw
The Judgment Day II 288b es, / and be·tweox rōsena% || rēade hēapas, / ðǣr simble sċīna
Metrical Charm 4: For a Sudden Stitch 1a ærstice feferfuiġe and sēo rēade netele, þe þurh || / ærn in