Number of occurrences in corpus: 14
Genesis B 667b | hē self siteþ, || þæt is | sūþ | and ēast, / welan be·wunden, |
Genesis A 1966a | as || þrymme miċele / sēċan | sūþ | þonan || Sōdoman and Gōmor |
Genesis A 2096a | ġene ġe·rǣsde. / Þā wæs | sūþ | þonan || Sōdoma folce% / gū |
Widsith 138a | || þanc-word sprecaþ, / simle | sūþ | oþþe norþ || sumne ġe·m |
The Husband's Message 27b | site sǣ-nacan, || þæt þū | sūþ | heonan / ofer mere-lāde || man |
Beowulf 858a | aniġ oft ġe·cwæþ / þætte | sūþ | ne norþ || be sǣm twēonum / |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 5b | hte, / sweotole ymb·sāwe, || | sūþ, | ēast and west, / hū wīd-ġie |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 10 24b | nū ġe·sǣle || þæt ēow | sūþ | oþþe norþ / þā ȳtmestan | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 14 7b | nna cynn / sīe under sunnan || | sūþ, | west and ēast / his anwealde | |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 42b | na rīċe, / seċġa% sitlu, || | sūþ, | ēast and west, / oþ þā nor |
Solomon and Saturn 183b | d, / Saulus rīċe, || swā hē | sūþ | liġeþ / ymbe Ġeallboe || and |
Solomon and Saturn 4a | r tō þǣm maning ġe·lamp / | sūþ | ymbe Sanere feld. || Sæġe m |
The Metrical Preface to the Pastoral Care 13a | || and mē his writerum / sende | sūþ | and norþ, || hēt him swelcr |
Metrical Charm 10: For Loss of Cattle 9a | dente reducat. And || / [III]% | sūþ | and cweþ: Crux Christi ā me |