A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: wīdeferhþ

Number of occurrences in corpus: 8

Genesis A 906a worde cwæþ: / ‘Þū sċealt wīde-ferhþ || wēriġ% þīnum / brēostum
Exodus 51a Ēġypta folc, / þæs þe hīe wīde-ferhþ || wiernan þōhton / Moyses m
Daniel 406a blētsod eart, / ġe·weorðod wīde-ferhþ% || ofer weorolde hrōf, / hēah
Juliana 223a mæġena ġe·hwelċ / wealdeþ wīde-ferhþ, || wuldres āĝend, / siĝora
Juliana 467b dǣda on·wrēon, || þe% iċ wīde-ferhþ / sweartra ġe·sierede. || Oft
Beowulf 702a ġ god || manna cynnes / wēold wīde-ferhþ%. || Cōm on wanre niht / sċrī
Beowulf 937b þe ne wēndon || þæt hīe wīde-ferhþ / lēoda land-ġe·weorc || lā
Beowulf 1222a æt þe feorr and nēah / ealne wīde-ferhþ || weras eahtiaþ, / efene swā