A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: wīsfæste

Number of occurrences in corpus: 4

Elene 314a snytru ġe·þenċaþ, / weras wīsfæste, || wordes cræftġe, / þā þe
Christ A 64a ā hit ǣr ġe·fyrn / wītĝan wīsfæste || wordum% sæġdon, / cȳðdon
The Fortunes of Men 72a d. || Sume bōceras / weorðaþ wīsfæste. || Sumum wunder-ġiefe / þurh
The Panther 14a || þæt þe niþþa bearn%, / wīsfæste weras || on ġe·writum cȳð