Number of occurrences in corpus: 7
Genesis A 1051a | -mōd || Gode of ġe·sihþe, / | winelēas | wreċċa, || and him þā wī |
The Fortunes of Men 32b | ǣr / fore his wan-sċeaftum || | winelēas | hǣle. / Sum sċeall on ġēapu |
Maxims I 146a | him wāt frēond unwiotodne. / | Winelēas, | wan-sǣliġ mann || ġe·nime |
Maxims I 173a | þe sċeall ana libban, || / | winelēas | wunian || hafaþ him wyrd ġe |
The Wife's Lament 10a | ġe·wāt || folgoþ sēċan, / | winelēas | wreċċa%, || for mīnre wēa |
Resignation 91a | nna lēas, || lenġ drohtian, / | winelēas | wreċċa, || is him wrāþ me |
The Wanderer 45b | c. / Þonne on·wæcneþ eft || | winelēas | guma, / ġe·siehþ him be·for |