A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: firendǣda

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

Genesis A 2582a nd wīn-ġe·drinc / þæt hīe firen-dǣda || tō frece wurdon, / synna þ
Christ C 1305a | þæt hīe tō gryne wiston / firen-dǣda on him. || Ne mæġ þurh þ
Resignation 26a nge. || Nū þū canst on mec / firen-dǣda fela, || feorma mec hwæðere
Beowulf 1669b anan / fēondum æt-ferede, || firen-dǣda wræc, / dēaþ-cwealm Deniġa,
Psalm 50 44a hwǣr || selfum æt ēaĝan, / firen-dǣda ġe·þræc || be·foran stan