A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: sōþfæstness

Number of occurrences in corpus: 5

The Paris Psalter 102:17 1a n·drǣdaþ him. / / # / Swā his sōþfæstness || swelċe standeþ / ofer þā
The Paris Psalter 110:2 4a | miċelliċ standeþ / and his sōþfæstness wunaþ || simle ēċe. / / # / H
The Paris Psalter 111:3 2a || wunaþ æt hūse, / biþ his sōþfæstness || swelċe mǣre, / þenden þi
The Paris Psalter 111:8 3a dum || þā ġe·dǣleþ, / his sōþfæstness wunaþ || simle oþ ende; / bi
The Paris Psalter 88:13 1a arwod. / / # / Mild-heortness and sōþfæstness || mæġene for·gangaþ / þī