A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: ġiedd

Number of occurrences in corpus: 16

Christ B 633a n þā hālĝan tīd. / Be þon ġiedd ā·wræc || Iob, swā hē c
Vainglory 51b ru-wierdiġ guma || and þæt ġiedd ā·wræc: / Sē% þe hine self
Maxims I 166a word ġe·rīsaþ, / glēo-menn ġiedd || and guman snytru. / Swā man
Wulf and Eadwacer 19a ǣfre ġe·samnad wæs, / uncer ġiedd ġeador. ||
Riddles 47 3b sē wyrm for·swealg || wera ġiedd sumes, / þēof on þīestru, |
The Wife's Lament 1a # The Wife's Lament / / Iċ þis ġiedd wrece || be mē full ġōmorr
Juliana 719b ne / gumena cynnes, || þe þis ġiedd wræce, / þæt hē mec neodful
Beowulf 1065b īsan, / gamen-wudu grēted, || ġiedd oft wrecen, / þonne heall-game
Beowulf 1160a wæs ā·sungen, / glēo-mannes ġiedd. || Gamen eft ā·stāh, / beorh
Beowulf 1723b -cyste on·ġiet; || iċ þis ġiedd be þē / ā·wræc wintrum fr
Beowulf 2105a e·seten hæfdon. / Þǣr wæs ġiedd and glēo. || Gamela Sċieldi
Beowulf 2108b men-wudu% grētte, || hwīlum ġiedd ā·wræc / sōþ and sārliċ,
Beowulf 2154b , / gūð-sweord ġeatoliċ, || ġiedd aefter wræc: / ‘Mē þis hil
Beowulf 2446b ng on gālĝan, || þonne hē ġiedd wrece, / sāriġne sang, || þo
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 2 5b ēs ġeoxa, || þæt iċ þā ġiedd ne mæġ / ġe·fēġan swā f
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 7 2b fylgan, / glēo-wordum gōl, || ġiedd aefter% spelle, / sang sōþ-cw