Number of occurrences in corpus: 15
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 11 83b | denne / tilaþ anra gehwilc || | agnes | willan / woruldgesceafta || win |
The Judgment Day II 267a | ne deaðes gryre / ne yrmð ne | agnes | || ne ænigu gnornung / ac ðæ |
ALCVIN.Carm 89.11 1 | mina 89.11 / Caecilia, Agathes, | Agnes | et Lucia virgo: / Haec istis pa |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1926 | / whom her aged parents called | AGNES | by name. / This one had been re |
ALDHELM.CarmVirg 1933 | ority, / strove to obtain noble | Agnes | in marriage through persisten |
BEDE.Aethelthryth.Vers 21 | ridet gladios ferro robustior | Agnes, | / Ceclia infestos laeta ridet g |
BEDE.Hymn 7 5 | itae recepit gaudia. / Intrauit | Agnes | auream / Poli triumphans regiam |
N.Kal.Ramsey 14 | nas meritis mundo fulgentibus | Agnes. | / (22) xi kl Insignis uictor sc |
N.Kal.York 6 | nas meritis mundo fulgentibus | Agnes, | / Martirio undecimas et Anastas |
££.PRVD.Peristeph14 1 | # Peristeph14 / / | Agnes | sepulcrum est Romulea in domo |
££.PRVD.Peristeph14 31 | ncipium petet." / "Haud" inquit | Agnes | "inmemor est ita / Christus suo |
££.PRVD.Peristeph14 61 | uisibus integris. / Primum sed | Agnes | hunc habuit gradum / Caelestis |
££.PRVD.Peristeph14 67 | mi regia principis." / Vt uidit | Agnes | stare trucem uirum / Mucrone nu |
££.PRVD.Peristeph14 112 | s sordida nubila. / Haec calcat | Agnes | ac pede proterit / Stans et dra |
££.VEN.FORT.VSM.P 27 | modicis minimus, venerabilis | Agnes | / cum Radegunde sacra, quas c |