Number of occurrences in corpus: 7
Genesis A 200a | || and eall worulde gesceaft / | brucaþ | blæddaga || and brimhlæste / |
Genesis A 1512b | maþ nu and tiedraþ || tires | brucaþ | / mid gefean fryþo || fyllaþ |
Genesis A 1532b | / weaxaþ and wridaþ || wilna | brucaþ | / ara on eorþan || æþelum fy |
Andreas 280b | ne þær elþeodige || eardes | brucaþ | / ah in þære ceastre || cweal |
The Fates of the Apostles 99a | ndeþ / eorlas þæs on eorþan | brucaþ | || ne moton hie awa ætsomne / |
Elene 881b | cinaþ / englum gelice || yrfes | brucaþ | / wuldorcyninges || to widan fe |
The Paris Psalter 149:6 2b | d / heo þæs wislice || wynnum | brucaþ | / and sweord habbaþ || swylce |