A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: muþas

Number of occurrences in corpus: 6

The Paris Psalter 105:13 2a hte and sealde / sende on heora muþas || mete to genihte / / # / ongunn
The Paris Psalter 108:1 3a ah þe me synfulra / inwitfulra muþas || on ganian / / # / hio þa innw
The Paris Psalter 125:2 2a efylde || mid gefean syþþan / muþas ure || and we ma sprecaþ / beo
The Paris Psalter 143:9 1a rna || and frecenra / / # / þara muþas sprecaþ || manidel word / biþ
The Paris Psalter 143:13 1a rn || fæcne syndan / / # / þara muþas sprecaþ || manidel word / byþ
The Paris Psalter 62:10 4b riaþ / forþon synt gemyrde || muþas ealle / þa unriht sprecaþ ||