A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: onleac

Number of occurrences in corpus: 11

Genesis A 2753b helm / getigþode || tuddorsped onleac / folccyninge || freora and þe
Andreas 172b r / meotud mancynnes || modhord onleac / weoruda drihten || ond þus w
Andreas 316b re / wis on gewitte || wordhord onleac / ne gedafenaþ þe || nu þe d
Andreas 601b a gen weges weard || wordhord onleac / beorn ofer bolcan || beald re
Elene 811a eostlocan onwand / leoþucræft onleac || þæs ic lustum breac / will
Widsith 1b widsið maðolade || wordhord onleac / se ðe monna mæst || mægða
Guthlac B 1029a in ðisse wonnan niht / lichord onleac || leomu hefegiað / sarum geso
Guthlac B 1144b lacor flanðracu || feorhhord onleac / searocægum gesoht || ongon
Riddles 42 12b / cægan cræfte || ða clamme onleac / ðe ða rædellan || wið ryn
Beowulf 259b rode / werodes wisa || wordhord onleac / we synt gumcynnes || geata le
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 6 1b þa se wisdom eft || wordhord onleac / sang soþcwidas || and þus s