Number of occurrences in corpus: 10
Andreas 475b | lle þē, / eorl unforcūþ, || | ānre | nū ġīena / bēne biddan, || |
Riddles 43 13a | m bearme || bēġen hweorfaþ / | ānre | maĝan || ellor-fūse, / mōdor |
Riddles 84 40b | || / oft ūtan be·weorpeþ || | ānre | þecene, / wundrum ġe·wliteĝ |
Juliana 626a | um fæst || bisiĝa unrīm / on | ānre | niht || earfoþa drēah, / yfel |
Beowulf 428b | wille, / eodor Sċieldinga, || | ānre | bēne, / þæt þū mē ne for |
Judith 64a | ǣd for·lēosan / ǣdre binnan | ānre | nihte; || hæfde þā his end |
The Paris Psalter 70:9 3a | tedon || sāwle mīnre / and on | ānre | ġe·þeaht || ēodon tō·g |
The Menologium 34a | onne hē furður cymeþ / ufor | ānre | niht || ūs tō tūne), / hrīm |
The Menologium 88a | welċe ymb frist wucan / būtan | ānre | niht || þætte ieldum bring |
The Menologium 141b | / ymbe ōðer swelċ || būtan | ānre | wanan, / wlitiġ, wæstmum hlad |