A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: þearfa

Number of occurrences in corpus: 7

Genesis A 866b hēan hleoðrode || hræġles þearfa: / ‘Iċ wrēo mē hēr || wǣd
Beowulf 2225a hete-swenġas flēah, / ærnes% þearfa || and ðǣr inne fealh%, / sec
The Paris Psalter 108:22 1b rd, || for·þon iċ eom lama þearfa; / is mē heorte on || hearde ġ
The Paris Psalter 68:30 1b Iċ mē selfa ēam || sāriġ þearfa, / and mē andwlita on·fēng ||
The Paris Psalter 73:19 2b red, / þēah þe wǣdla || and þearfa hē wille / naman þīnne || n
The Paris Psalter 85:1 3b and iċ selfa eom || sorhfull þearfa. / / # / Ġe·heald mīne sāwle,
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 13a ulfstān% bisċop, / þēow and þearfa || þæs þ[] ealne þrymm ā