Number of occurrences in corpus: 11
Genesis A 2066b | n þicce, / ðǣr hliehhende || | hūðe | feredon / seċġas and ġe·si |
Genesis A 2113a | rǣte forþ || rūme wyrċan, / | hūðe | ā·hreddan || and hæleþ fi |
Genesis A 2150a | | Ac þū selfa% mōst heonan / | hūðe | lǣdan, || þe iċ þē æt h |
Daniel 65a | stōdon. / Ġe·hlōdon him tō | hūðe | || hord-wearda ġe·strēon, / |
Elene 149a | rġa helm || hām eft þonan, / | hūðe | hrēmiġ, || (hild wæs ġe· |
Guthlac A 131b | re / þæs þe him tō handa || | hūðe | ġe·lǣdeþ, / būtan hīe þ |
Riddles 29 2b | ċe / hornum% be·twēonum% || | hūðe | lǣdan, / lyftfæt lēohtliċ, |
Riddles 29 4a | iċ, || listum ġe·ġierwed, / | hūðe | tō þām hām || of þām he |
Riddles 29 9a | ūendum, / ā·hredde þā þā | hūðe | || and tō hām be·drāf% / wr |
Beowulf 124a | ġna, || þonan eft ġe·wāt / | hūðe | hrēmiġ || tō hām faran, / m |
The Creed 30b | bierĝde, / and hē of helle || | hūðe | ġe·fette, / of þǣm sūsl-ho |