Number of occurrences in corpus: 17
Genesis B 578b | ū þæt an-ġinn fremest, || | idesa | sēo betste, / for·hele iċ in |
Genesis B 626b | . / Þā ġieng% tō Ādame || | idesa | sċīenost, / wīfa wlitiĝost |
Genesis B 704b | ēo spræc þā tō Ādame || | idesa | sċīenost / full þiclīċe, | |
Genesis B 821b | ’. / Þā spræc Ēue eft, || | idesa | sċīenost, / wīfa wlitiĝost; |
Genesis A 1076a | trēonum. || Him brȳda twā, / | idesa | on ēðle || eaforan fēdon, / |
Genesis A 1234a | im byras wōcon, / eaforan% and | idesa. | || Hē þone ieldestan / Nōe% |
Genesis A 1261a | īfa wlite || on·wōd grame, / | idesa | an·sīen, || and ēċe fēon |
Genesis A 1774b | f Gode / on þā ēðel-turf || | idesa | lǣdan, / swǣse ġe·beddan || |
Genesis A 1853b | ġerru lȳt / for æðelinge || | idesa% | sunnon, / ac hīe Sarran || sw |
Genesis A 2086b | ·hreded, / eorl mid ǣhtum, || | idesa | hwurfon, / wīf on willan. || W |
Genesis A 2157a | || and heals-mæġeþ, / lēoda | idesa. | || Þū þe lāðra ne þearf |
Genesis A 2468a | iċ ēow bidde / ne cann þāra | idesa | || ōðer ġīeta / þurh ġe· |
Genesis A 2607a | ncen || ġe·witan ne meahte. / | Idesa | wurdon ēacne, || eaforan br |
Andreas 1638b | / eorlas ān-mōde || and hira | idesa | mid, / cwǣdon holdlīċe || h |
Guthlac B 1232b | þæt wundrodon || weras and | idesa, | / and on ġēaþ guton, || ġie |
Riddles 46 7a | Ealra wǣron fīfe / eorla and | idesa | || inn-sittendra. |
Judith 133a | on þā ġeġnum þonane / þā | idesa | bā || ellen-þrīste, / oþ· |