Number of occurrences in corpus: 16
Genesis A 1113b | wealdend, / līfes ealdor || on | lēofes | stǣl, / þæs þe Cāin of·sl |
Genesis A 1246a | ā ġīet wæs Sēthes cynn, / | lēofes | lēod-fruman || on lufan swī |
Genesis A 2859a | | and þonne sweartan līeġe / | lēofes | līċ for·bærnan || and mē |
Exodus 53b | etod lēte, / on langne lust || | lēofes | sīðes. / Fierd wæs ġe·fȳs |
Exodus 308a | n || hālġes lāre, / siþþan | lēofes | lēoþ || lǣste nēar / swēġ |
Exodus 337a | || þæt hē sīðor fōr / on | lēofes | lāst. || Him on lēod-sċear |
Christ B 496a | r hīe tō sǣĝon, / þā þe | lēofes | þā ġīen || lāst weardodo |
Maxims I 103b | || ā mann sċeall sē þeah | lēofes | wēnan, / ġe·bīdan þæs hē |
Guthlac A 313a | eþ. || Nis mē wiht æt ēow / | lēofes | ġe·lang, || ne ġē mē lā |
The Wife's Lament 53b | m þe sċeall / of langoþe || | lēofes | ā·bīdan. |
The Wanderer 38a | sċeall || his wine-dryhtnes / | lēofes | lār-cwidum || lange for·þo |
Beowulf 1061a | . || Fela sċeall ġe·bīdan / | lēofes | and lāðes || sē þe lange |
Beowulf 1994a | sēaþ, || sīðe ne truwode / | lēofes | mannes; || iċ þē lange bæ |
Beowulf 2080a | -þeġne% || tō mūð-banan, / | lēofes | mannes || līċ eall for·swe |
Beowulf 2897a | nde-dōĝres || and eft-cymes / | lēofes | mannes. || Lȳt swīĝode / nī |
Beowulf 2910a | ġe-mēðum || hēafod-wearde / | lēofes | and lāðes. || Nū is lēodu |