Number of occurrences in corpus: 8
Exodus 441a | a mæġe || ealle ġe·rīman / | stānas | on eorðan, || steorran on he |
Christ and Satan 5a | ·sette || sunnan and mōnan, / | stānas | and eorðan, || strēam ūt o |
Christ and Satan 670b | hte him tō bearme || brāde | stānas, | / bæd him for hungre || hlāfa |
Christ C 1142a | || Sċīre burstan / mūras and | stānas | || manġe aefter foldan, / and |
Riddles 16 9b | laþ / and mec stīðne wiþ || | stānas | mōton / fæste ġe·habban. || |
The Paris Psalter 103:17 4b | ; / erinaces flēoþ || oft on | stānas. | / / # / Mōnan hē ġe·worhte || |
Durham 2b | e, / steppa ġe·staðolod, || | stānas | ymb·ūtan / wundrum ġe·weaxe |
Solomon and Saturn 94a | þ wulf, / hēo ofer·bīdeþ | stānas, | || hēo ofer·stīĝeþ stīe |