Number of occurrences in corpus: 11
Daniel 369b | healdaþ, / sunna and mōna, || | sundor | ānra ġe·hwelċ / herġe in h |
Andreas 1161b | / ġe·sǣton searu-þancle || | sundor | tō rūne / iermþu eahtian. || |
Elene 407a | ‘Ġē nū hræðe gangaþ, / | sundor | ā·sēċaþ || þā þe snyt |
Elene 165b | ·dierned, / and hine selfne || | sundor | ā·ċīeġde. / Elene maðelod |
Elene 580a | bēad || cræftum ġe·tȳde / | sundor | ā·sēċan || þā sēlestan |
Riddles 39 5b | en. / Hēo wile ġe·sēċan || | sundor | ǣġhwelcne / feorh-berendra, | |
Azarias 93a | sċeall || þurh frēan hǣse / | sundor | ānra ġe·hwæs || sāwol of |
The Wanderer 111b | or on mōde, || ġe·sæt him | sundor | æt rūne. / Til biþ sē þe h |
Beowulf 2422b | olde, / sēċan sāwle hord, || | sundor | ġe·dǣlan / līf wiþ līċe, |
The Paris Psalter 68:13 3b | on ealle, / þā him sǣton% || | sundor | on portum; / sprǣcon mē wrā |
Solomon and Saturn 57b | ned, / hafaþ seolfren leaf; || | sundor | mæġ ǣġhwelċ / þurh gāste |