A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: swearta

Number of occurrences in corpus: 7

Christ and Satan 25b de, / and hū sīd sīe% || sē swearta eðm. / Wāst þū þonne þe
Soul and Body I 54b m ġe·sibban, || þonne% sē swearta hræfn, / siþþan iċ ana of
Christ A 269b ūs ǣr þurh synlust || sē swearta gǣst / for·tēah and for·tyl
Christ C 966a ielm || wīde tō·samne, / sē swearta līeġ, || sǣs mid hira fisc
Christ C 994a owum ġe·dreahte. / Sēoðeþ swearta līeġ || synne on for·dōnu
Soul and Body II 51b um ġe·sibbra, || þonne sē swearta hræfn, / siþþan iċ ana of
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 4 22b n and westan, || þā ǣr sē swearta storm / norðan and ēastan ||