Number of occurrences in corpus: 7
Genesis B 431a | rðeþ; / siþþan biþ him sē | wela | on·wended || and wierþ him |
Genesis A 1603b | strȳndon; || him wæs beorht | wela. | / Þa wearþ Iāfeðe || ġeoĝ |
Daniel 9b | wealdan%, || wæs him beorht | wela. | / Þenden þæt folc mid him || |
The Wanderer 74a | þonne ealre% þisse weorolde | wela | || wēste standeþ, / swā nū |
The Paris Psalter 111:3 1a | blētsod. / / # / Him% wuldor and | wela | || wunaþ æt hūse, / biþ his |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 21 22a | o-ġimma nan, / middan-ġeardes | wela | || mōdes ēaĝan / ǣfre ne on |
The Menologium 142b | / wlitiġ, wæstmum hladen; || | wela | biþ ġe·īewed / fæġere on |