A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: gecyþan

Number of occurrences in corpus: 11

Andreas 289b wilt / on merefaroþe || miltse gecyþan / him ondswarode || engla þeod
Andreas 784b man / frode fyrnweotan || folce gecyþan / hwylcne hie god mihtum || ong
Andreas 796b me || sceoldon hie þam folce gecyþan / hwa æt frumsceafte || furþu
Andreas 803b þscræfu || woldon hie ædre gecyþan / frumweorca fæder || þa þæ
Andreas 965b mihton / þurh sarcwide || soþ gecyþan / þa ic mid iudeum || gealgan
Elene 409b me þinga gehwylc || þriste gecyþan / untraglice || þe ic him to s
Elene 149b ndorwisne || he þe mæg soþ gecyþan / onwreon wyrda geryno || swa
Elene 421a || ne ful gere wiste / sweotole gecyþan || be þam sigebeame / on hwylc
The Paris Psalter 149:9 1b æt hio dom on him || deopne gecyþan / and þæt mid wuldre || awrit
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 13 1b 3 / / ic wille mid giddum || get gecyþan / hu se ælmihtga || ealla gesc
The Battle of Maldon 214b wylle mine æþelo || eallum gecyþan / þæt ic wæs on myrcon || mi