Number of occurrences in corpus: 10
Genesis B 342b | ierre. || Wearp hine on þæt | morðor | innan, / niðer on þæt nēo-b |
Genesis A 1093a | | un-ārliċ spell: / ‘Iċ on | morðor | of·slōh || mīnra sumne% / hy |
Exodus 146b | þā hēo% his mǣġ-winum || | morðor | fremedon, / wrōht be·rēnedon |
Christ and Satan 183b | / metode cwēman. || Iċ þæt | morðor% | sċeall, / wēan and wītu || a |
Christ and Satan 320a | || wēan% cwānodon, / mān and | morðor. | || Wæs sēo% meniġu ðǣr / s |
Christ A 193a | d || gen strengre is / ðæt ic | morðor | hele || scyle manswara / lað l |
Maxims I 114b | n mon sceal mid mete fedan || | morðor | under eorðan befeolan / hinder |
The Wife's Lament 20b | hygegeomorne / mod miðendne || | morðor | hycgendne / bliðe gebæro || f |
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 7a | || ār-lēasta fela, / mān and | morðor, | || mis-dǣda worn, / unryht-wī |
Solomon and Saturn 34b | saþ, / metod ġe·miltsaþ, || | morðor | ġe·fylleð%, / ā·dwǣsċeþ |