A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: īlce

Number of occurrences in corpus: 6

Genesis A 2708a || winnan sċoldon. / Iċ þæt īlce drēah || on þisse ēðel-tu
Christ and Satan 590b e mid englum, || habban þæt īlce lēoht, / ðǣr his% hīred nū
Elene 436a is yppe biþ, / swā þā þæt īlce ġō || min ieldra fæder / si
The Phoenix 379a || weorðan sċolde / eft þæt īlce || þæt hē ǣr þon wæs, / f
The Paris Psalter 108:17 2a yrċan ġeorne, / and hine sēo īlce on || eft ġe·sette; / nolde h
The Paris Psalter 139:9 3a ġe·worht habbaþ, / him þæt īlce sċeall || inn ġe·sittan. / /