A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: þreo

Number of occurrences in corpus: 21

Genesis B 307b of heofnum / þurhlonge swa || þreo niht and dagas / þa englas of
Genesis A 1217a þa he woruld ofgeaf / and eac þreo hund || þrage siþþan / mathu
Genesis A 2042a scberendra || eahtatiene / and þreo hund eac || þeodenholdra / þa
Genesis A 2213b þeodlanda gehwilc || swa þa þreo wæter / steape stanbyrig || st
Christ and Satan 424a || mid minre mægþe / and ymb þreo niht com || þegen hælendes /
Christ and Satan 501a orulde wæs || wintra gerimes / þreo and þritig geara || ær ic
Andreas 185a | bendum fæstne / nu biþ fore þreo niht || þæt he on þære þ
Soul and Body I 12a man || þe hie ær lange wæg / þreo hund wintra || butan ær þeo
Elene 2a || geara hwyrftum / tu hund ond þreo || geteled rimes / swylce þrit
Elene 285a cuþon || þær on rime wæs / þreo þusend || þæra leoda / alese
Elene 44b ldend / eallra þrymma þrym || þreo niht siþþan / in byrgenne ||
Elene 393b / in þeostorcofan || he þær þreo mette / in þam reonian hofe ||
Elene 407b þa on gesyhþe || sigebeamas þreo / eorlas anhydige || fore elena
Elene 429b ædþeahtende || ymb þa roda þreo / oþ þa nigoþan tid || hæfd
Elene 847b ristra geþonca || þonne on þreo dæleþ / in fyres feng || folc
The Menologium 30a | swylce eac is wide cuþ / ymb þreo and twa || þeodum gewelhwær
The Menologium 54b æge || swylce emb feower and þreo / nihtgerimes || þætte nergen
The Menologium 144a an || þænne forþ gewat / ymb þreo niht þæs || þeodne getrywe
The Menologium 163a wurde acenned / ond þæs ymbe þreo niht || geond þeoda feala / þ
The Menologium 174a || þænne ealling cymþ / ymb þreo niht þæs || þeodum wide / em
Instructions for Christians 257b fæste weogas || syndon ealle þreo / heonan to heofonum, || swa u