A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: hrofe

Number of occurrences in corpus: 9

Genesis A 2899a him se eca bebead / þæt he on hrofe gestod || hean landes / on þæ
Daniel 238b þeahte || under þam fyrenan hrofe / ne mihte þeah heora wlite ||
Christ A 14a || nu gebrosnad is / hus under hrofe || he ðæt hra gescop / leomo
Christ B 749b n / ðæt we to ðam hyhstan || hrofe gestigan / halgum weorcum || ð
The Lord's Prayer I 5a t willa / aræred under rodores hrofe || eac ðon on rumre foldan / s
Judith 67a e worulde / wunode under wolcna hrofe || gefeol ða wine swa drunce
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 25 5b drum scinaþ / on heahsetlum || hrofe getenge / golde gegerede || and
Cædmon's Hymn, Northumbrian Version 6a cop || aelda barnum / heben til hrofe || haleg scepen / tha middungea
Cædmon's Hymn, West-Saxon Version 6a || eorðan bearnum / heofon to hrofe || halig scyppend / ða middang