Number of occurrences in corpus: 12
Elene 121b | nsendan / stopon stiþhidige || | stundum | wræcon / bræcon bordhreþan | |
Elene 232b | endelsæ / on stæþe stodon || | stundum | wræcon / ofer mearcpaþu || m |
Guthlac B 1271b | gena / ellen on innan || oroð | stundum | teah / mægne modig || him of m |
Riddles 1 3b | ne iċ ā·stīġe strang, || | stundum | rēðe, / þrymfull þunie, || |
Riddles 2 6b | strēamas staðu bēataþ, || | stundum | weorpaþ / on stealc hliða || |
Beowulf 1423b | sægon / hatan heolfre || horn | stundum | song / fuslic fyrdleoð || feð |
The Paris Psalter 58:3 3b | ryhtun / and me strange eac || | stundum | ongunnon / ne me unrihtes on || |
The Paris Psalter 58:16 1b | / ic þonne þine strengþu || | stundum | singe / and þin milde mod || m |
The Paris Psalter 85:5 3b | eheald / hu ic stefne to þe || | stundum | cleopige / / # / þonne me on dæ |
The Paris Psalter 93:6 2b | e wydewan / steopcilda feala || | stundum | acwealdon / / # / sægdan and cw |
The Paris Psalter 97:8 1a | aris Psalter: Psalm 97 / # / || | stundum | on·ġinnaþ || / fæġnian mi |
Metrical Psalm 93:6 2b | widwæn / stiopcildæ feæla || | stundum | acwealdan; |