Number of occurrences in corpus: 12
Genesis A 2103a | mǣra || Melchīsedec, / lēoda | bisċop. | || Sē mid lācum cōm / fyrd-r |
Andreas 1649b | / on ðǣre beorhtan byriġ || | bisċop | þām lēodum, / and ġe·hāl |
Elene 613b | on rǣd-ġe·þeaht, || Rōme | bisċop, | / ġe·fetian on fultum, || for |
Elene 656b | an, / brēostum on·bryrded, || | bisċop | þæs folces. / Glæd-mōd ēod |
Elene 688b | hwearf / þurh bearn godes, || | bisċop | þāra lēoda, / nīewan stefne |
The Death of Edgar 14b | ǣr / of Brytene ġe·wāt, || | bisċop | sē gōda, / þurh ġe·cyndne |
Durham 12b | ldes, Engla lēo || and Aidan | bisċop, | / Ēadberch and Ēadfriþ, || |
Durham 14b | r inne mid him || Æðelwold | bisċop | / and brēma bōcera Beda || an |
The Menologium 104a | ealtne mere || sēlran lāre, / | bisċop | brēmran. || Nū on Brytene r |
Aldhelm 5a | on æðele% || Angel-Seaxna%, / | bisċop | on Bretene. || Biblos iċ nū |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 12b | ·wrītan hēt || Wulfstān% | bisċop, | / þēow and þearfa || þæs |
The Metrical Preface to Wærferth's Translation of Gregory's Dialogues 16a | e·sċ[]ta. / Bīdeþ þe% sē | bisċop, | || sē þe þās bōc be·ġe |