Number of occurrences in corpus: 10
Genesis A 976a | Hie þā drihtne lāc / bēġen | brōhton. | || Breĝu engla be·sēah / on |
Genesis A 2607b | esa wurdon ēacne, || eaforan | brōhton | / will-ġe·sweostor || on weor |
Christ and Satan 152a | . || Full oft wuldres swēġ% / | brōhton | tō bearme || bearn hǣlendes |
Elene 434a | ȳtel || and ġe·farenne man / | brōhton | on bǣre || beorna þrēate / o |
Elene 557b | n / ofer ēast-weĝas, || āras | brōhton, | / hū ġe·sundne sīþ || ofer |
Elene 577b | þþan wine-māĝas || westan | brōhton | / ofer laĝu-fæsten || lēof-s |
Beowulf 1653b | / lēod Sċieldinga, || lustum | brōhton | / tīres tō tācne, || þe þ |
Judith 335b | f þǣm sīþ-fæte || selfre | brōhton, | / eorlas ǣsċ-rōfe, || Holofe |
The Paris Psalter 101:6 2b | on% / mīne fēondas || fæste | brōhton, | / and þā mē heredon; || hīe |
The Paris Psalter 73:3 6b | num þǣm hālĝum || hefiġe | brōhton; | / ġielpaþ gram-hyġdġe, || |