A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: cwealme

Number of occurrences in corpus: 8

Genesis B 758a for·lore, / mannum mid morðes cwealme. || For·þon is min mōd ġe
Genesis A 1095b nda ġe·wēmde / on Cāines || cwealme mīne, / fylde mid folmum || f
Exodus 469b m mōdiġ. || Mæġen wæs on cwealme / fæste ġe·feterod, || forþ
Daniel 474a ē ġe·sāwon / þæt hē wiþ cwealme ġe·bearh || cnihtum on ofen
Andreas 1507b æter wīd-ryniġ || tō wera cwealme, / ġeofon% ġēotende. || Hwæt
Christ A 87a swā eft ripaþ, / cennaþ tō cwealme. || Cwæþ sēo ēadġe mæġ /
Guthlac A 23a || sāwla mōton / cuman aefter cwealme, || þā þe hēr Crīstes ǣ /
Solomon and Saturn 111b e hine //G// Q and //V// V || cwealme ġe·hnǣġað, / frame folc-to