A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: hearm

Number of occurrences in corpus: 9

Genesis B 368a || and we þis wīte þolien, / hearm on þisse helle. || Wā lā,
Genesis B 754b ē / hāte hweorfan, || ēac is hearm Gode, / mōd-sorh ġe·macod. |
Genesis B 797b ne hīerde || þe unc þisne hearm ġe·rǣd, / þæt wit wealdend
Daniel 457b -rīċes weard, || wiþ þone hearm ġe·sċielde. / Þā iċ sēċ
Christ and Satan 3a t, || and on esle %ā·hōf, / hearm% bealwes% gāst, || and on beo
Andreas 1071b tas ǣr / under hlin-sċuwan || hearm þrōwedon. / Wēndan and woldo
Andreas 1367b ōd, / hēan, hroðra lēas, || hearm þrōwian, / sāre swylt-cwale.
Juliana 629a | Iuliana%, / ġe·hīerde hēo hearm gālan || helle dēoful. / Fēo
The Seasons for Fasting 13b non, / him þæs of heofonum || hearm tō lēane / ā·sende siĝora%