A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: morðres

Number of occurrences in corpus: 14

Genesis B 755b od. || Swa hwæt swa wit hēr morðres þoliaþ, / hit is nū Ādame |
Andreas 975b mīnne naman, || þēah hīe morðres fela / on fyrn-daĝum || ġe·f
Andreas 1140b n, / mōdġe maĝu-þeġnas, || morðres on luste, / woldon ǣninga, ||
Andreas 1170b ew. / On·gann þā meldian || morðres brytta, / helle-hinca, || þone
Andreas 1313a lǣċa || yfela ġe·myndiġ, / morðres mān-frēa || mierċe ġe·s
Elene 428a þ staðolien, / þæt we þæs morðres || meldan ne weorðen / hwǣr
Elene 188a || þe ġē hwīle nū / þurh morðres man || mannum dierndon.’ / Iu
Elene 503a nīewian || and sæce rǣran, / morðres mān-frēa, || þæt þe% sē
Guthlac B 861b don / mæġeþ and mæċġas || morðres on·ġieldan, / god-sċyldġe g
Juliana 546a ; || þæt is% fæder ūser, / morðres mān-frēa. || Hwæt, þū me
Beowulf 1683a heort guma, || godes andsaca, / morðres sċyldiġ || and his mōdor
Beowulf 2055a m hrēmiġ || on flett gǣþ, / morðres ġielpeþ% || and þone māð
Judith 90a rde mōte / ġe·hēawan þisne morðres bryttan; || ġe·unne mē mī
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 9 33a ost-cofan / þonne hē swelċes morðres% || mǣst ġe·fremede. / Nealle