A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: rincas

Number of occurrences in corpus: 15

Genesis B 286a ō hearran ġe·corene, / rōfe rincas; || mid swelcum mæġ man rǣd
Genesis A 1651a || Folc wæs ān-mōd; / rōfe rincas || sōhton rūmre land, / oþþ
Genesis A 1895a | ac sċoldon ārfæste, / þā rincas þȳ || rūmor sēċan / ellor
Genesis A 2031a || Bæd him þræc-rōfe / þā rincas þæs || rǣd ā·hyċġan, /
Genesis A 2049a ā·linnan || of lāðsċipe. / Rincas wǣron% rōfe%, || randas wǣ
Genesis A 2153a | and Escoles. / Nelle iċ þā rincas || rihte be·nǣman, / ac hīe
Genesis A 2881a m spræc || tō his ambihtum: / ‘Rincas mīne, || restaþ inċit / hēr
Andreas 9a ĝan || and fyrd-hwate, / rōfe rincas, || þonne rand and hand / on he
Andreas 1343b t wearþ ēow swā rōfum, || rincas mīne, / lind-ġe·steallan, ||
Elene 46a beadwe, || beran ūt þræce / rincas under roderum. || Wǣron Rōm
Maxims I 177a -hende dēor. / Ā sċyle þā rincas || ġe·rǣdan lǣdan / and him
The Order of the World 13a eddungum || guman oft wrecan, / rincas rǣdfæste; || cūðon riht s
Riddles 14 16b ; / hwīlum iċ ġe·reordum || rincas laðie / wlance tō wīne; || h
The Judgment Day I 105a || on þām mǣstan dæġe, / rincas æt ðǣre rōde, || seċġa
The Menologium 44a m wīse, || wealdendes þēow / rincas reĝolfæste. || Swelċe ēac