A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: uprodor

Number of occurrences in corpus: 11

Genesis A 99b wolde þæt him eorðe || and up·rodor / and sīd wæter || ġe·seted
Exodus 4a iht, || wera cnēo-rissum, / in up-rodor || ēadiġra ġe·hwǣm / aefte
Exodus 26b en, / eorðan ymb-hwyrft || and up-rodor, / ġe·sette siġe-rīċe, || a
Exodus 76a | wīdum fæðmum / eorðan and up·rodor || efene ġe·dǣled, / lǣde l
Exodus 430b as, / eorðan ymb-hwyrft || and up-rodor, / gārseċġes ġinn || and þ
Exodus 545b deþ, / ēadġe gāstas, || on up-rodor, / ðǣr is% lēoht and līf, ||
Elene 292b īnum / ealne ymb-hwyrft || and up-rodor, / and þū self sitest, || siĝ
Christ C 1128b t, / eorðan eall-grēne || and up-rodor, / forhte ġe·fēlan || frēan
Guthlac A 782b ·lǣded / engla fæðmum || on up-rodor, / fore ansīene || ēċes dēma
The Seafarer 105b das, / eorðan sċēatas || and up-rodor. / Dol biþ sē þe him his drih
The Metres of Boethius: Metre 29 50a ; || hwīlum ċierreþ eft / on up-rodor || æl-beorhta līeġ, / lēoht