A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: bræcon

Number of occurrences in corpus: 6

Genesis B 686a æt hie drihtnes heora / willan bræcon || stod se wraþa boda / legde
Daniel 298a user yldran || for oferhygdum / bræcon bebodo || burhsittende / had of
Elene 122a tiþhidige || stundum wræcon / bræcon bordhreþan || bil in dufan /
Christ C 1629b r losian / caldan clommum || hy bræcon cyninges word / beorht boca bib
Azarias 19a || in oferhygdum / ðin bibodu bræcon || burgsittende / had oferhoged
The Lord's Prayer II 109a and unrihte weorc / ðine bodu bræcon || we ðe biddað nu / ælmihti