A Consolidated Library of Anglo-Saxon Poetry

Word Explorer: earmra

Number of occurrences in corpus: 17

Exodus 534a mum awyrged || wreccum alyfed / earmra anbid || eþellease / þysne gy
Daniel 586b ne ræd / syle ælmyssan || wes earmra hleo / þinga for þeodne || æ
Andreas 744b rde cwæþ / ge synd unlæde || earmra geþohta / searowum beswicene |
Dream of the Rood 19a þæt gold || ongytan meahte / earmra ærgewin || þæt hit ærest
Christ C 1502a || ðe ic eow on eorðan geaf / earmra hulpen || earge ge ðæt læs
Guthlac A 297b csetla fela / eardas onhæle || earmra gæsta / sindon wærlogan || ð
Guthlac A 339b t brucan / no him fore egsan || earmra gæsta / treow getweode || ne h
Guthlac A 405b ceððendra / eglum onfengum || earmra gæsta / wæron hy reowe || to
Guthlac A 437b e gedyged / wæs seo æreste || earmra gæsta / costung ofercumen || c
Guthlac B 904a nglice || næs seo stund latu / earmra gæsta || ne ðæt onbid long
Solomon and Saturn 74b rġend, / ȳða ierfe-weard, || earmra fisca / and wyrma wielm%, || wi
Solomon and Saturn 79b es nerigend / yþa yrfeweard || earmra fisca / and wyrma welm || wilde
Solomon and Saturn 288b þ, / īeweþ him and yppeþ || earmra manna / mis-ġe·mynda || and
Solomon and Saturn 292a , || æf-þuncum full, / þurh earmra sċyld || ierre ġe·worden. /
Solomon and Saturn 4b reþ / yweþ him and yppeþ || earmra manna / misgemynda || and þurh
Solomon and Saturn 8a biþ || æfþancum full / þurh earmra scyld || yrre geworden / swa þ
The Judgment Day II 93a micel is ðæt wite / ðe ðara earmra byð || for ærdædum / oððe